Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a co-prezidat, la 5 aprilie, la Berlin, alături de Annalena Baerbock, ministrul de externe al Germaniei – țară care deține Președinția G7, și de Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministrul de externe al Franței – stat care asigură Președinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene, Conferința internațională de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova (Moldova Support Conference).

Inițiativa României, Germaniei și Franței urmărește generarea de asistență imediată politică, financiară și materială, precum și expertiză pentru procesul de reformă democratică, din partea instituțiilor și statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene, a țărilor G7, a instituțiilor financiare și organizațiilor internaționale, precum și a altor parteneri de dezvoltare. Evenimentul a beneficiat de participarea Prim-ministrului Republicii Moldova, Natalia Gavrilița, precum și a ministrului afacerilor externe și integrării europene de la Chișinău, Nicolae Popescu.

La finalul Conferinței internaționale, miniștrii de externe ai României, Germaniei și Franței au adoptat un set de Concluzii ale co-președinților Conferinței internaționale de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova.


Intervenția ministrului Bogdan Aurescu în format video poate fi urmărită la:

Prezentăm, mai jos, declarațiile de presă, în limba engleză, susținute de ministrul Bogdan Aurescu în cadrul conferinței de presă de la finalul Conferinței internaționale de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova, alături de omologii german și francez și de Prim-ministrul Republicii Moldova.


Dear Minister Baerbock, dear Annalena,

Thank you for organizing this very timely conference as we meet here in Berlin for a landmark event.

Indeed, this is against a background of aggravation of the security situation in Ukraine and also against the background of what we have discovered in terms of war crimes in this country. I would like to reiterate the fact that it is absolutely clear that Russia is responsible for these crimes committed in an area of Ukraine which was under its occupation when these crimes were committed. Indeed, all perpetrators must be brought to justice and I renew the appeal that I made yesterday for the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to send immediately a team of investigators on the ground, in order to collect evidence, in order for the investigation to be based on very solid proof.

Romania continues to work side by side with its partners, with France, with Germany and all other partners from the European Union to increase the pressure on Russia in order to stop this illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. It is imperative, especially against the background of what we’ve seen in the past days – the massacre in Bucha and in other towns of Ukraine, that this illegal aggression stops immediately.

At the same time, we gathered here, in Berlin, for this very important Conference, because the war in Ukraine, which was illegally started by Russia, produces consequences also beyond the borders of Ukraine. And these consequences are also creating difficulties to countries like the Republic of Moldova, which is the most affected direct neighbour of Ukraine. I am deeply honoured to co-chair this Conference today, together with my German and French colleagues and friends, and I’m very glad that we are able to launch the “Moldova Support Platform” and to mobilize important international assistance for the Republic of Moldova.

My firm belief is that through this Conference and the launching of the Moldova Support Platform, we managed to send a powerful message of firm support for, and engagement with the authorities in Chișinău. This Conference is not just a one-off event, we are here for the long haul, to assist and work with our Moldovan friends. And that is why the initiative launched today, here in Berlin, will help address both pressing challenges, but also medium and long term development needs for the Republic of Moldova.

As we all know, the Republic of Moldova was and is confronted with several overlapping crises and challenges and with a financing gap that threatened the Government’s ability to implement the reforms it has committed to. That is why Chișinău needs our immediate and decisive support and that’s why we are here today united and determined to move to another stage the assistance for the Republic of Moldova. I welcomed during the conference the EU and international support that was swift and consistent so far, but more needs to be done, including by relocating refugees from the Republic of Moldova.

Let me brief you on the main points I have shared with my colleagues during the Conference. 

First, I have informed about the support that Romania is providing bilaterally to the Republic Moldova, more precisely a support package of grants that comprises 100 million Euros for development projects, which will soon start to be implemented, as it was agreed during the Romania – Republic of Moldova joint Government meeting in Chișinău, in February. 

Second, substantial in-kind humanitarian assistance, more than 72 tons, for the refugees that found shelter on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, a donation of large quantities of fuel and tar worth of 3.8 million euro, a step that we have, of course, coordinated with our Moldovan colleagues and it is meant to strengthen the Republic of Moldova’s energy security in a complicated context. At the same time, I have announced today that Romania has decided to grant fresh money to support the budget of the Republic of Moldova at these critical times: more precisely, an additional grant of 10 million Euro.

Second, I shared Romania’s vision on certain key priorities we need to focus on the longer term in support of the Republic of Moldova, more precisely – robust financial assistance, which is essential to help the authorities cope with the energy crisis, to stabilize public finances and, very importantly, to support the objective of implementing reforms, strengthening the rule of law, modernizing public institutions, sustaining the standard of living.

Then, on energy security, I stressed that we should look at developing local energy generating capacities, to strengthening electricity interconnections, as well as gas connectivity inside the Republic of Moldova, and to support gas supply diversification. I also reiterated the proposal for a Support Group for the Republic of Moldova to be created within the European Commission, to help better coordinate and articulate EU and EU Member States’ assistance for the Republic of Moldova.

Third, I have reiterated Romania’s firm support for clear recognition of the Republic of Moldova’s European perspective – not just because of the current exceptional circumstances, but because of the clear, genuine commitment of the Government in Chișinău.

And fourth, a few words about the Romanian delegation which is joining me. I have a Deputy Minister of Justice who will co-chair here, this afternoon, the roundtable dedicated to the fight against corruption, a Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs who will bring input to the roundtable on the humanitarian situation of refugees. 

We also co-chair here the “fight against corruption” working group, in order to transfer expertise in the field of justice and rule of law reform and support the adaptation of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova to EU acquis.

One more word about the program that we are launching this year, a professional training program for judges and prosecutors held by the Romanian National Institute of the Magistracy, which is financed by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Last but not least, let me inform you that, as I have announced during the Conference, Romania will happily co-host the next ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform in Bucharest, in the next couple of months.

Thank you very much!

Sursa: Comunicat de presă privind declarațiile ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu la conferința de presă de la finalul Conferinței Internaționale privind crearea Platformei de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova (Moldova Support Platform)