Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu co-prezidează marți, 5 aprilie 2022, alături de Annalena Baerbock, ministrul de externe al Germaniei – țară care deține Președinția G7, și de Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministrul de externe al Franței – stat care asigură Președinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene, Conferința Internațională de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova (Moldova Support Conference), care se desfășoară la Berlin.


Prezentăm, mai jos, declarațiile de presă, în limba engleză, susținute de ministrul Bogdan Aurescu înaintea Conferinței:

It is a very important Conference that I am attending today, here. 

I am very glad to be in Berlin to co-chair, together with Germany and France, with my colleagues Annalena Baerbock and Jean-Yves Le Drian, this Conference for launching the Moldova Support Platform. It is a very important event, which is aimed at supporting the Republic of Moldova, the most vulnerable direct neighbor of Ukraine. Indeed, the war in Ukraine, which was illegally launched by Russia, created a lot of problems in the neighborhood, not only direct security challenges for the region, for the European and Euro-Atlantic security, but also a lot of difficulties for the neighbors of Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova was confronted with a very large wave of refugees.

This number of refugees, in the Republic of Moldova, is the largest per capita in any of the neighbors of Ukraine. It created an economic burden and difficulty on the Republic of Moldova’s economy and finances.

It also created economic difficulties in terms of the ability of the Republic of Moldova to export their products on various markets like Ukraine, Belarus or Russia, and now they need to find other markets in order to export these goods. There are already certain difficulties in terms of vulnerability for the energy security of the Republic of Moldova, which need to be dealt with.

So this conference today is taking place at the right moment. The Moldova Support Platform that will be launched today by this Conference is aimed at providing and stimulating a very robust, coordinated, consistent help, assistance for the Republic of Moldova. It is important to help Moldova in terms of providing financial assistance, providing support for refugees, and taking over a number of refugees from the Republic of Moldova. It is also important to find solutions for dealing with the vulnerabilities as far as the energy security of the Republic of Moldova is concerned.

Romania is a very constant and a very firm supporter of the Republic of Moldova on its reform efforts and we have granted help in terms of coping with the refugee crisis in the Republic of Moldova by taking over refugees from the Republic of Moldova-Ukraine border directly to Romania, by providing in-kind assistance – more than 72 tons of in-kind assistance to the Republic of Moldova – in providing fuel and tar worth of 3.4 million euros, and many other types of assistance.

And today we will announce a fresh package of financial assistance for the Republic of Moldova, which is supplementing the 100 million euros package of assistance which we decided together during our Joint Government Conference in Chișinău in February.

Romania is also supporting the European perspective of the Republic of Moldova and, according to our Strategic Partnership for the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, we consider that the place of this country is within the European family.

Thank you so much. 

Sursa: Declarațiile ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu înaintea Conferinței Internaționale privind crearea Platformei de sprijin pentru Republica Moldova (Moldova Support Platform)