Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu participă astăzi, 4 martie 2022, la Bruxelles, la reuniunea extraordinară a miniștrilor afacerilor externe din statele membre ale UE – Consiliul Afaceri Externe/CAE, avându-i ca invitați pe Secretarul de Stat al SUA, Antony Blinken, Secretarul General al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, și miniștrii de externe ai Canadei, Melanie Joly, și  Marii Britanii, Liz Truss. Ministrul de externe al Ucrainei, Dmytro Kuleba, participă de asemenea prin videoconferință.    


Prezentăm, mai jos, declarațiile de presă, în limba engleză, susținute de ministrul Bogdan Aurescu înainte reuniunii:


Good afternoon, everybody. 

It is a very important meeting that we are having today. Of course, we will focus on the situation in Ukraine and on the response of the international community to the aggressive acts of the Russian Federation.

It is very important that we are able today to coordinate at transatlantic level – the Secretary General of NATO is invited, the US, Canada and UK. This is very important for our coordination.

We will discuss to what extent new sanctions are to be taken by the European Union in order to stop Russia.

Today I will raise also the issue of helping the Republic of Moldova to cope with the crisis, because the consolidation of the support from the EU to the Republic of Moldova is needed. The Republic of Moldova is facing a large number of refugees, they might also face an energy crisis. So it is very important to consolidate the resilience of the Republic of Moldova. 

And, for that reason, together with my Austrian colleague, Mr. Schallenberg,  I have sent yesterday a joint letter to the High Representative Borrell and to Commissioner Várhelyi, in order to ask for more assistance – financial assistance, humanitarian assistance for the Republic of Moldova – in order to cope with these challenges.

I also want to welcome the request which was signed yesterday by the President of the Republic of Moldova, the President of the Parliament and the Prime Minister asking for the Candidate Status of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. The Republic of Moldova is a well prepared partner state and I am glad that Romania can extend its support for this membership of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union to become a reality.

Today, Transnistria has asked for the recognition of its „independence”. I am in close contact with our colleagues from Chișinău, I have discussed with my counterpart, Minister Nicu Popescu, and our colleagues are preparing their position. Second, I would like to raise this issue during the Foreign Affairs Council today, to the attention of the colleagues. And third, I use this opportunity to reiterate Romania’s strong support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders. 

Thank you!

Sursa: Comunicat de presă privind declarațiile ministrului afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu înainte de reuniunea extraordinară a Consiliului Afaceri Externe (CAE)